Site announcements

Progetto Passion for Learning

by Constantin Catalina -

Cari Genitori,

Questo forum è dedicato a voi.

Sentitevi liberi di  esprimere le vostre opinioni sul rapporto di voi e delle vostre figlie e dei vostri figli con  la comunità scolastica e la società in generale  dopo aver partecipato alle attività del progetto Passion for Learning.

Comunicherete con le/gli insegnanti e altri specialisti del settore.

Attendiamo le vostre opinioni!


Il team di Passion for Learning.

Handbook evaluation

by Constantin Catalina -

Dear teachers, psychologists and other specialists,

please tell us your opinion about the activities described in the handbook of the Erasmus+ project ,,Passion for learning''and explain how you plan to use these in your future activity! 

Thank you! 

The Passion for learning team

Evaluation of interactive activities

by Constantin Catalina -

Dear teachers, psychologists and other specialists,

please tell us your opinion about the interactive activities (digital stories, e-games and real case scenarios) of the Erasmus+ project,, Passion for learning'' and explain how you plan to use these with your students. 

Thank you! 

The Passion for learning team

Teachers/psychologists, experts in the field of School Education opinions

by Constantin Catalina -

Dear teachers, psychologists, experts in the field of School Education, 

This forum is dedicated to you. 

We invite you to share with us your opinions about the participation at the activities of the '' Passion for learning'' project, also staff training and students' mobilities, involvement and experience gained during the implementation of the activities. 

You will be engaged in discussions with experts from other countries. 

The Passion for Learning Team

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